Business Studies

Mr A Grant (Head of Department)
Mrs C Wells
Mrs A Kennedy

In the Business Studies department, the aim is to enthuse our students about the world of business and the opportunities it presents in a world where change and innovation are a constant. In addition to achieving academic excellence and examination success in Business Studies, we want our students to receive a unique insight into the world of work.

Through their study our students discover how businesses in Northern Ireland and further afield operate and what are the essential functions of a successful business enterprise.

Students are given opportunities to see how the real world of business operates through visits to actual businesses, engagement with local entrepreneurs through the Portadown College Business Club and involvement in the leadership and preparations for the Christmas Fayre.

Business Studies aims to prepare students for life-long learning by implementing classroom strategies such as setting open-ended challenges and promoting independent learning.

It is a valuable subject for the following careers: Accountancy, Banking, Marketing, Law, Public Relations, Teaching, Human Resources, Business Management and Administration.

GCSE Business Studies

Examination Board: CCEA

What is Business Studies about?

Business Studies is an investigation into how businesses work, make their decisions and the influences that shape this process. It looks at how businesses are formed, how they produce their goods and services and how they market these to customers. In addition it examines how businesses are funded, the management and motivation of people, how they grow and what is meant by a business plan.

What will I study and how will I be assessed?


Unit 1:

Starting a business

• Creating a business
• Business operations
• Marketing

External written exam

1 hour 30 mins

Format: Structured questions and extended writing



Unit 2:

Developing a business

• Finance
• Human resources
• Business Growth

External written exam

1 hour 30 mins

Format: Structured questions and extended writing



Unit 3: Planning a business


Controlled assessment

Students complete a research task and write up a report based on this research



What can this subject lead to?

Business studies is suited to students who have a keen interest in the world about them, how businesses work and those who have desire to become entrepreneurs themselves.

It will develop good skills in literacy and numeracy – as there is a need to construct business reports and handle financial data; working with others – research tasks, communication and use of ICT.

There are many career opportunities both directly in business, as well as areas such as marketing, management, accountancy and research.

Students can go on to study A level Business Studies and then a range of business related courses at university. These include opportunities to combine business with a foreign language.

Business Studies

Examination Board: CCEA 

What is A Level Business Studies about?

This subject engages students in the study of a range of business topics impacting on today’s society.   Students will gain an appreciation of growing a business through marketing activities and E-Business. They also learn about the importance of financial information and its use in decision making.  Students will explore business planning and the need to manage risk when developing business strategies. They will develop an appreciation of the role of accounting and financial information in making strategic business decisions, and an understanding of the macroeconomic and global framework within which organisations operate.

What will I study and how will I be assessed?

AS ContentAssessmentWeighting
Unit AS 1 Introduction to Business


External Examination – case study based questions


50% of AS


(20 % of A Level)

Unit AS 2 Growing the Business


External Examination – case study based questions


50% of AS


(20% of A Level)

A2 ContentAssessmentWeighting
Unit A2 1 Strategic Decision Making



External Examination – case study based questions


30% of       A Level
Unit A2 2

The Competitive Business Environment


External Examination – Production of a Business Report30% of

A Level

Are there any particular qualities or skills I should have to study this course and to what kind of careers can it lead?

You should have a keen interest in the world of business, and skills of interpretation, analysis, communication, working with others and evaluation are very important.

There are many possible careers in business, including management, marketing, sales, production and human resources. Many students go on to study business and related courses, while others may opt for the many financial and business apprenticeship “Earn as you learn” opportunities that companies are making available for school leavers.

Entry requirements: Minimum grade B in GCSE Business Studies. Also recommended that students have minimum grade B in GCSE English Language and Mathematics.

Depending on numbers, may be possible to study AS and A2 Business Studies without GCSE qualification in the subject: minimum B grade in English Language and Mathematics – places allocated on points basis, depending on available space in subject.

Business Studies helps to prepare students for a range of interesting and rewarding careers both in business and as a route to self-employment.

Visit of Apache Pizza to the PC Business Club on the subject of Franchises. Photographs show Year 11 and 13 Business students enjoying some delicious fresh pizza after listening to an engaging presentation from the franchise owner of Apache Pizza, Robert Graham.

Students enjoyed an engaging presentation from IncredABLE, a social enterprise providing social, recreational, and educational opportunities for people with a learning/intellectual disability and/or autism. Students got an insight into how a social enterprise is run and the benefits and drawbacks of this form of business ownership.